Advanced English Barscript

This script is based on the Barscript. This contains an english translation and some new fancy functions.


1. every command of this bot is introduced by a !.

2. You can run this script on your own connection or on a new connection. In any case it will just work if you have the nick „Barkeeper“. If you want to use a different nick, then change the following line: If eigenernick = „Barkeeper“ Then where you replace Barkeeper with the nick you wish to use.

3. important commands

  • !help gives the user an overview about further commands in a query.
  • !sendhelp gives more info on the !send command.
  • !partyhelp gives more info on the !party command.
  • !beep gives more info on the !beep command. (surprise surprise!)
  • !bar to get started with all the original drinking stuff :)
  • !send NICK CHANNEL OBJECT (e.g. !send ChanServ #pub some greetings) makes Barkeeper send something to a person in the channel you specified.
  • !beep NICK CHANNEL MESSAGE (e.g. !beep ChanServ #pub Hello there!) makes Barkeeper to highlight someone in the specified channel and deliver your message. You can make him messaging the person private by replacing the channel argument with the word private (e.g. !beep ChanServ private Hello there!)
  • !barsay CHANNEL MESSAGE makes Barkeeper to say something in the specified channel. Anyone can use it, so that you are not the only one who can write messages using the client you run that script on :)
  • !party .MUSIC.DRINKS to make a party :D -you need to use the dots as seperator. I found no better solution, maybe one of the script-pros here can help there :)

Thanks to the scripters in the Nettalk-channel who helped me with some of the scripting!

#NewScriptBegin Barscript
Sub Chan_Msg(Text, Nick, Channel, FrameID, ConnID)
  ltext = LCase(Text)
   Commandstring = Split(text,1)
   Beepnick = Split(text,2) 
   Channelstring = Split(text,3)
   Saystring = Mid(text, Len(Commandstring)+Len(Beepnick)+2)
   Teilstring = Mid(text, Len(Commandstring)+Len(Beepnick)+Len(Channelstring)+3)
   PartyMusic = Split(text,2,".")
   PartyDrinks = Split(text,Len(Commandstring)+Len(PartyMusic),".")
   eigenernick = GetVal(ConnID, 5)
   If eigenernick = "Barkeeper" Then 
'Die Auswahl
   If ltext = "!bar" Then Send "/me has the following to offer: non-alcoholics, beers, wines, other-alcoholics. Call everything with a ! before.", FrameID
    If Commandstring = "!send" Then Send "/msg " + Channelstring + " Hey, " + Beepnick + "! " + Nick + " told me to give you" + Teilstring,FrameID
    If Channelstring <> "private" then
      If Commandstring = "!beep" Then Send "/msg " + Channelstring + " <$08>" + Beepnick + " <$14>was beeped up by <$08>" + Nick + "<$14>. He left the following message for you:<$07>" + Teilstring,FrameID
    end if
    If Channelstring = "private" then 
      If Commandstring = "!beep" Then Send "/msg " + beepnick + " <$08>YOU <$14>were beeped up by <$08>" + Nick + "<$14>. He left the following message for you:<$07>" + Teilstring,FrameID
    end if
    If Commandstring = "!party" Then Send "/me <$09>decorates the room <$04>red, <$07>orange and <$08>yellow <$09>and turns the <$14>J<$15>u<$14>K<$15>e<$14>B<$15>o<$14>X <$09> with <$05>|> <$08>" + Partymusic + "<$05> <| <$09>on, and also brings <$14>E<$15>v<$14>E<$15>r<$14>Y<$15>o<$14>N<$15>e <$09>a huge glass of <$05>|> <$08>" + Partydrinks + "<$05> <| <$07>(This party is provided on the request of <$04>" + Nick + "<$07>)",FrameID
    If Commandstring = "!barsay" Then Send "/msg " + Beepnick + " " + Saystring,FrameID
   'Allgemeine Getränke
    If ltext = "!non-alcoholics" Then Send "/me has the following non-alcoholics to offer: milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice, coffee, cocoa, tea, iced tea, orange juice, water-orange, water-lemon, water, Fanta, Cola, Sprite.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!milk" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of milk.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!fruit juice" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a fresh fruit juice.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!vegetable juice" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of vegetable juice.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!coffee" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a cup of hot coffee and a cookie.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!cocoa" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a cup of hot cocoa and some cream.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!tea" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a cup of hot green tea.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!iced tea" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of iced tea.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!orange juice" or ltext = "!os" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of orange juice.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!water-orange" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of water-orange.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!water-lemon" or ltext = "!w-lemon" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of water lemon.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!water" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of water.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!fanta" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of Fanta lemonade.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!cola" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of Cola.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!sprite" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of Sprite.",FrameID
    If ltext = "!beers" or ltext = "!beer" Then Send "/me has the following kinds of beers stocked: Altbier, Koelsch, Weissbier, Weizen, Export, Pils, Schwarzbier, Radler, Alsterwasser, and Luebzer.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!altbier" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " an Altbier.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!koelsch" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Koelsch.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!weissbier" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Weissbier.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!weizen" Then Send "/me give " + Nick + " a glass of Weizenbier.",FrameID
    If ltext = "!export" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " an Export.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!pils" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Pils.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!schwarzbier" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Schwarzbier.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!radler" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Radler.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!alsterwasser" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " an Alsterwasser.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!luebzer" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a delicious Luebzer Pils, directly delivered from the brewery! :)", FrameID
    If ltext = "!wines" or ltext = "!wine" Then Send "/me has the following wines stocked: cider, pearl wine, red wine, champagne, sparkling wine. Some other wine-mixed drinks: punsh, calimocho, Laternmaß, spritzer", FrameID
    If ltext = "!cider" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of cider.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!red wine" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of red wine.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!champagne" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of champagne.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!sparkling wine" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of sparkling wine.", FrameID  
    If ltext = "!punsh" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of punsh.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!calimocho" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of Calimocho.", FrameID                 
    If ltext = "!spritzer" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of spritzer.", FrameID  
    'Sonstige Getränke 
    If ltext = "!other-alcoholics" Then Send "/me got this stuff here, too: ouzo, Jaegermeister, tequila, amaretto, feigling, rum, booze, grog, Schneller Hering, Lous Hammer, ramazotti, whisky and mead.",FrameID
    If ltext = "!ouzo" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " an ouzo.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!jaegermeister" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a Jaegermeister.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!tequila" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of tequila.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!amaretto" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of amaretto.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!feigling" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a 'kleinen Feigling' (little coward :D).", FrameID
    If ltext = "!rum" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of rum.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!booze" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of booze.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!grog" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a thick bottle of Grog. Good choice, me matey! Arrr!",FrameID
    If ltext = "!schneller hering" Then Send "/me hands over a small glass full of Schneller Hering to " + Nick + ". Be careful, that stuff is like liquid fire!",FrameID
    If ltext = "!lous hammer" Then Send "/me hands over a steaming glass of Lous Hammer to " + Nick + ". Don't let it knock you out!",FrameID
    If ltext = "!ramazotti" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of ramazotti.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!whisky" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of whisky.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!mead" Then Send "/me gives " + Nick + " a glass of mead.", FrameID
    'Getränke Runden
    If ltext = "!iced tea all" Then Send "/me gives on the request of " + Nick + " everyone an iced tea.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!whisky all" Then Send "/me gives on the request of " + Nick + " everyone a whisky.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!beer all" Then Send "/me gives on the request of " + Nick + " everyone a beer. Here's to you!", FrameID
    If ltext = "!wodka all" Then Send "/me gives on the request of " + Nick + " everyone a wodka.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!ice all" Then Send "/me takes on the request of " + Nick + " a bucket full of ice, places it in the room and says: Serve yourself :-) .", FrameID
    If ltext = "!orange-juice all" Then Send "/me gives on the request of " + Nick + " everyone a glass of fresh-pressed orange juice.", FrameID
    If ltext = "!weiber" Then Send "/msg " + Channel + " Gegenüber ist der bessere Laden dafür, " + Nick + " ;-) ", FrameID
    If ltext = "!sex" or ltext = "!fuck" Then Send "/msg " + Channel + " I don't want to be part of your sick fantasies!",FrameID
    If ltext = "!lol" Then Send "/msg " + Channel + " Hahahaaaa! Heheheee.... Hihihi, I'm laughing out loudly, you know...? ;-)",FrameID
    If ltext = "hi barkeeper" Then Send "/msg " + Channel + " Hi " + Nick + " ! :-) Type !help to get a list of available fun(c)tions ;)",FrameID
    If ltext = "!sendhelp" Then Send "/msg " + Nick + " Use !send NICK CHANNEL OBJECT to send something to another person. OBJECT can be a word or a whole string, CHANNEL a channelname with # before, so for instance #channel",FrameID
    If ltext = "!partyhelp" Then Send "/msg " + Nick + " Use !party .MUSIC.DRINKS to provide (and pay ;D) a party in the channel. You need to use the dots as seperator!",FrameID
    If ltext = "!beephelp" Then Send "/msg " + Nick + " Use !beep NICK CHANNEL to beep somebody up in a channel. You need to provide the CHANNEL argument if you want Barkeeper to say it public in the assigned channel (he needs to be there of course). If you want Barkeeper to send a private message to the one you want to beep up, write    private   instead of the channel.",FrameID
    If ltext = "!help" Then Send "/msg " + Nick + " Type !bar to see a list of available drinks. Also try !beephelp, !sendhelp and !partyhelp.",FrameID
   End If  
 End If      
End Sub

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