#   Nettalk6.4 language file (English)  #
#           (c)2004-2005                #

global.ConCancel = Cancelled
global.ConClose = Connection closed
global.ConErr = Error
global.ConOK = OK
global.ConStart = Connect...
global.Join = %n1 joined
global.Leave = %n1 left
global.Nick = %n1 is now known as %n2
global.Quit = %n1 quited (%2)
global.Connected = Connected
global.Closed = Closed
global.Connecting = Connect...
global.UserRank = %n1 set mode: %2
global.CUserRank = %n1  has the mode: %2
global.DCCquestion = %n1 asks for a DCC connection
global.RoomEnter = You are now in %1
global.Kick = You are kicked by %n1 (Reason: %2)
global.Kick2 = %n1 left (Kicked by %3 with the foliowing reason: %n2)
global.DCCok = [Accept connection]
global.WisperTo = Whisper to:
global.Wispers = whispers
global.msgDel = Are you sure to delete this connection?
global.msgNoDel = You have to close the connection if you want to delete it
global.dccFileNotFound = Could not find the file
global.FileExist = There exist a file with the same name, do you want to replace it?
global.AutoUpdate1 = A new update is available
global.AutoUpdate2 = Start update
global.ExtWorning = This filetype may be dangerous!
global.DccCaption = File transfer
global.DccConnCancel = DCC connection closed
global.DccFinished = DCC file transfer is complete
global.Caption1 = New connection
global.Caption2 = Change connection properties
global.NoLogs = No entry found
global.lsYes = Yes
global.lsNo = No
global.lsUnknowen = Unknown
global.butOK = OK
global.butCancel = Cancel
global.butApply = Apply
global.menNew = New
global.menDel = Delete
global.menValues = Properties
global.menCut = Cut
global.menCopy = Copy
global.menPast = Past
global.menConn = Connect
global.menDis = Disconnect
global.menRooms = Rooms
global.menSend = Send file over DCC
global.menColors = Colours
global.menOpt = Options
global.menFrinds = Friends
global.menHelp = Help
global.menSymbol = Symbol
global.menMenue = Menu
global.menScriptStart = Restart script
global.menScriptStop = Stop script
global.ls1Caption = Caption
global.ls1Server = Server
global.ls1Used = Used
global.ls1State = State
global.ls1Date = Created
global.ls1Auto = Automatic
global.lsServers = Server
global.lsRooms = Rooms
global.lsFrinds = Friends
global.lsScript = Script
global.ls2Name = Name
global.ls2User = User
global.ls2Topic = Topic
global.ls3FileName = Filename
global.ls3Progres = Progress
global.ls3Speed = KB/s
global.ls3Time = Time
global.ls3Size = Size
global.ls3User = User
global.ls3Path = Path
global.ls4Nick = Nick
global.ls4State = State
global.ls4Server = Server
global.ls4Online = Online
global.ls5Maske = Mask
global.ls5Von = From
global.ls5Vor = Since
global.cClientMsg = Client message
global.cErrMsg = Error message
global.cNickW = Nick (whispered)
global.cLink = Link
global.cText = Standard text
global.cNickN = Nick (standard)
global.cNotice = Notice
global.cMSG = Server message
global.chMSG = Leaved message
global.ccHG = Main text background
global.ctUserL = User list text
global.cULHG = Background of the user list
global.cTextF = Send text field text
global.cTextFHG = Send text field background
global.cTimeStamp = Timestamps
global.cOwnNick = Own nick
global.oGeneral = General
global.oMsgs = Messages
global.oConnections = Connections
global.oShortcuts = Shortcuts
global.oApp = Appearance
global.oPlugins = Plugins
global.opPos1 = Top right
global.opPos2 = Top left
global.NewCTitel = Connection1
global.fFunction = Function
global.fOn = activated
global.fOff = deactivated
global.FrindOnline = %n1 is online
global.scrTimeout = Script doesn't answer. Do you want terminate it?
global.SearchResults = Search results
global.TimeOut = Server timeout
global.TopicSet = %n1 set the topic
global.Ignore = %n1 has been added to ignore list
global.UnIgnore = %n1 has been removed from ignore list
global.screload = There is a new ShortCut.txt, do you want to replace the old one with it?
global.ConRemove = Do you want to keep this connection in your server list?
global.away = %n1 is away
global.WhoisRealName = Realname
global.WhoisHostMask = Hostmask
global.WhoisList = Whois list of %n1
global.WhoisRegedAs = %n1 is authed as %n2
global.WhoisIn = %n1 is on
global.WhoisServer = Server
global.WhoisIdle = Idle time
global.WhoisSO = Signon time
global.WhoisReged = %n1 is a registered nick
global.Founded = Topic was set by %n1 in %2 at %3
global.Invite = %n1 invites you to %2
global.bezChannel = Channel
global.bezUser = User
global.bezGlobal = General

Form1.Label1 = Events:
Form1.mDatei = &File
Form1.menSaveText = &Save text as...
Form1.menExConns = &Export connections...
Form1.menImConns = &Import connections...
Form1.menOEdit = Properties
Form1.menQuit = &Quit
Form1.menHtrennen = Disconnect
Form1.menHverbinden = Connect
Form1.menHneu = New...
Form1.menHcopy = Create copy
Form1.menHedit = Edit
Form1.menHdel = Delete
Form1.menHprop = Properties
Form1.menHlog = Show log
Form1.menHpublicnotice = Show notices
Form1.menHsilent = Inactive
Form1.menHclose = Close
Form1.menH2copy = Copy
Form1.menH2copytime = Copy with time
Form1.menH2past = Past selected text
Form1.menH2scroll = Scroll down
Form1.menH2edit = Open text
Form1.menH2show = Show text in browser
Form1.menH2prop = Properties
Form1.menH2Sub = Additional commands
Form1.menH3private = Private chat
Form1.menH3wisper = Whisper
Form1.menH3Sub = Additional commands
Form1.menH3dccc = DCC private chat
Form1.menH3file = DCC Send file...
Form1.menH3filepast = DCC send picture
Form1.menH3copyname = Copy name
Form1.menH4open = Open &window
Form1.menH4ibalken = Activate &info window
Form1.menH4oncreeen = Activate &OSD
Form1.menH4stumm = &Silent
Form1.menH4options = Options
Form1.menH4script = Edit script
Form1.menH4quit = &Quit
Form1.menH6retry = continue
Form1.menH6disconn = Cancel
Form1.menH6brake = Slow mode
Form1.menH6open = Open
Form1.menH6opendir = Open folder
Form1.menH6del = Remove
Form1.menH6alldel = Remove all disconnected
Form1.menH6values = Properties
Form1.menH7private = Private chat
Form1.menH7refresh = Refresh
Form1.menH7del = Delete
Form1.mBearbeiten = &Edit
Form1.menBcut = Cut
Form1.menBcopy = Copy
Form1.menBpast = Past
Form1.menBdel = Delete
Form1.menBsearch = Search...
Form1.mVerbindungen = &Connections
Form1.mVnewIRC = New IRC connection...
Form1.mVnewtpc = Create TCP/IP connection...
Form1.menScript = S&cript
Form1.menSEdit = Edit
Form1.menSStart = Restart script
Form1.menSStop = Stop script
Form1.menSImport = Import
Form1.menSExport = Export
Form1.menHilfe = &?
Form1.menHilfeHilfe = &Help
Form1.menHilfeUpdate = &Updates...
Form1.menHilfeInfo = Inf&o
Form1.menLangw = L&anguage

Form2.Command4 = Complete
Form2.Check1 = Start connection
Form2.Label12 = Commands after the login*:
Form2.Command2 = Next >
Form2.Label13 = Server password*:
Form2.Label6 = Real name*:
Form2.Label8 = User-ID*:
Form2.Label9 = Nick-name:
Form2.Label7 = Password*:
Form2.Check2 = Create invisible connection
Form2.Check3 = UTF-8
Form2.Label1 = IP or server name:
Form2.Label3 = Server port:
Form2.Label5 = Connection caption:
Form2.Command1 = < Back
Form2.Option1 = Use the name of the network
Form2.Option2 = Set the name of the connection

Form5.Check25 = DCC auto accept
Form5.Check24 = Activate local DCC server
Form5.Check23 = Use secondary IP for DCC connections
Form5.Check12 = Automatic reconnect
Form5.Check19 = Use a basic DCC port:
Form5.Label29 = Port:
Form5.Label2 = sec retry
Form5.Label1 = Every
Form5.Label26 = sec
Form5.Label24 = IRC timeout:
Form5.Command15 = Properties
Form5.Command14 = Refresh
Form5.Command12 = Delete
Form5.Command11 = Start
Form5.Command10 = Stop
Form5.Label14 = List:
Form5.Command16 = Save...
Form5.Check18 = Bold
Form5.Check17 = Use background picture
Form5.Command7 = Change...
Form5.Label8 = Skins:
Form5.Label20 = List fonts...
Form5.Label19 = Font size:
Form5.Label17 = Font name:
Form5.Label18 = Direction:
Form5.Label16 = Colour:
Form5.Command6 = Down
Form5.Command5 = Up
Form5.Command18 = < Back
Form5.Command19 = New
Form5.Command20 = Remove
Form5.Label13 = Refer:
Form5.Label12 = Shortcut:
Form5.Label11 = Menue title:
Form5.Label9 = Commands:
Form5.Check22 = Show notices if activated
Form5.Check21 = Play wave file
Form5.Check20 = Sound over PC-speaker
Form5.Check16 = Show notices if activated
Form5.Check13 = Sound over PC-speaker 
Form5.Check14 = Play wave file
Form5.Check15 = Show notices if activated
Form5.Label4 = In this rooms show each message:
Form5.Label28 = If messages include the own nick:
Form5.Label3 = Incoming of private messages:
Form5.Check11 = Automatic rejoin
Form5.Check6 = Recall room lists at start
Form5.Check5 = Automatic rejoin in rooms at start
Form5.Check4 = Automatic Reconnect at start
Form5.Check10 = Hide window if minimized
Form5.Check9 = Quit Nettalk with X
Form5.Check8 = Show timestamp for events
Form5.Check7 = Show timestamp for messages
Form5.Check2 = Log room text
Form5.Check1 = Log private text
Form5.Label5 = Path:
Form5.Check3 = Use a Sock-Proxy:
Form5.Check26 = Show in submenue
Form5.Label6 = Maximum size of the log in kbyte:

Form7.Label8 = Max KByte/sec:
Form7.Label7 = Peer:
Form7.Label6 = Remaining time:
Form7.Label5 = Speed:
Form7.Label4 = transferred:
Form7.Label3 = File size:
Form7.Label2 = File path:
Form7.Label1 = Packet size:(Byte)
Form7.Label21 = File name

Form8.Command4 = Remove
Form8.Command5 = Edit...
Form8.Command6 = New...
Form8.Check1(6) = Use a password:
Form8.Check1(5) = Hide this channel in the channel list  (+s)
Form8.Check1(4) = Hide this channel in /whois  (+p)
Form8.Check1(3) = Moderated  (+m)
Form8.Check1(2) = Allowes only invited user to join  (+i)
Form8.Check1(1) = Only internal messages  (+n)
Form8.Check1(0) = Only OPs are allowed to change topic  (+t)
Form8.Label2 = Channel properties:
Form8.Label1 = Banned User:

## Commands ##
0/msg Nick|Channel{$nick+room} Text 'Send private message
0/mode Nick|Channel{$nick+room} [+|-]Property{+o;-o;+v;-v;+i;-i;+h;-h;+a;-a;+q;-q;+h;-b;+k;-k} Parameter{$nick}
0/kick Channel{$room} Nick{$nick} [Reason] 'Kick someone
0/list [>User-minimum] 'List channels
0/part Channel{$room} 'Leave shannel
0/quit [Message]{$quitmsg} 'Close connection
0/topic Channel{$room} Text{$topic} 'Set channel topic
0/invite Nick Channel{$room} 'Invite a user
0/join Channel{$lastrooms} [Key] 'Join a channel
0/notice Nick{$nick} Text 'Whisper
0/userhost Nick{$nick} 'Show the IP of a user
0/away Notice
0/reg Password E-Mailadress 'Register nick
0/ident [Password] 'identify [with standard password]
0/ctcp Nick|Raum{$nick+room} Befehl{finger;version;ping;time} [Parameter]
0/whois Nick{$nick} 'Show who and where the user is
0/amsg Text 'Send a message to each channel on the server
0/watch Nick{$nick} 'Add a user to the friends list
0/setquitmsg Message{$quitmsg} 'Set the quit message
0/setfinger Text{$finger} 'Store information for other users
0/chanproperties 'Show channel properties
0/debann User{$banned} 'unban a user
0/kickban Nick{$nick} [Reason] 'Kick and ban a user
0/debug 'Activate/deactivate debugmode
0/regchan Channel{$room} Password Description 'Register channel
0/who Nick|Raum{$nick+room} 'Show information abount a user
0/whowas Nick{$nick} 'Show information abount a disconnected user
0/kill Nick{$nick} 'Disconnect a user
0/kline Nick{$nick} 'Ban a user or a adress range from server
0/gline Nick{$nick} 'Ban a user or a adress range from network
0/unkline Nick{$nick} 'Deban a user or a adress range from server
0/ungline Nick{$nick} 'Deban a user or a adress range from network
0/userip Nick{$nick} 'Show the IP of a users
0/chartset Number{1252_West;1255_Hebrew;1256_Arab;1253_Greek;1254_Turkish;1257_Baltic;1250_Central_European;1251_Cyrillic}
0/utf8 Number{0_off;1_on}
0/quote Command 'Send a command unmodified to the server

0/me Text 
0/query Nick{$nick} [Text] 'Open a private window
0/dcc Mode{chat;send} Nick{$nick} [Path] 'send -> File send, chat -> DCC-Chat connection
0/connect 'Connect
0/disconnect 'Disconnect
0/cvalues 'Show connection properties
0/nick Nick 'Change your nick
0/publicnotice 'Private massage notification in this channel
0/coding 'Activate the text coding
0/setcode Passwort 'Set the code word for the text coding
0/ignore User{$nick} 'Ignore a user
0/unignore User{$nick} 'Stop Ignoring a user
0/bann Nick{$nick} 'Ban a IP

0/busy [0|1]{1;0} 'Activate the "I’m busy" mode
0/showclones Nick{$nick} 'Show all users with the same IP

3/dconnect Server [Port] 'Starts a connection without protocol
3/call Sub_name [Arguments] 'call a script-function
3/search Text 'Search for a text part
3/calc Term 'Calculate a expression
3/shellapp File-name/url 'Run application/open URL
3/open URL{$servers} 'open a chat connection (irc|Nettalk|dcc://[Nick[:Pass]@]Server[:Port]/Channel/[User Text])
3/update 'Check for an application update
3/info 'Show info screen
3/version 'Show Nettalk version
3/showlog User|Channel{$nick+room} 'Shows the log for a user/channel
3/logview User|Channel{$nick+room} 'Shows the log for a user/channel
3/searchlog Word 'Search for a word in the complete log
3/values [Index]{1_General;2_Messages;3_Connections;4_Shortcuts;5_Appearance;6_Plugins} 'Show options
3/script 'Show script
3/hide 'Hide Nettalk
3/startscript 'Restart script
3/stopscript 'Stop script
3/setdccserver [Port] 'Start(with the given port)/stop DCC server
3/secip 'Switch between local Port und router port (for DCC)
3/silent 'Don't play sounds
3/osdmode 'Activate/deactivate OSD modus
3/playbeep 'Play signal over PC-Speaker
3/getbeep 'Show signal sequence
3/setbeep Sequence 'Set signal sequence (Hz/msec  eg: 800/50 900/50 700/50 800/50)
3/setdccpath [Pfad] 'Set DCC-Path
3/showtime 'Show the time for every message
3/server Server [Port] 'Start conenction to an IRC-Server
3/smsg Text 'Send a message to each opend channel on each server
3/help 'Show help
3/cls 'Clear screen
3/print Text 'Write text
3/shortcut Caption Command 'Add command to shortcuts

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