Auto Update
#NewScriptBegin AutoUpdate Dim MyConn Dim isOut Sub AppLoad() StartTimer 10000,0,"CheckUpdate",1 End Sub Sub CheckUpdate() Print "~ Check for Updates...", 0, valcClientMsg MyConn=dccconnect("",80,"","",0,1) End Sub Sub Serv_Connected(ConnID) if ConnID = MyConn Then SendData "GET /Verkabelt/Nettalk/Update/Update.txt HTTP/1.0", ConnID SendData "Connection: Close"+chr(13)+chr(10), ConnID isOut=0 End if End Sub Sub RecvDCCMsg(Text, Nick, FrameID, ConnID) if ConnID = MyConn Then if left(Text,17)="<Updates version=" and isOut=0 Then i=instr(19,Text,chr(34)) myver=mid(Text,19,i-19) if version = myver Then Print "~ Your version " & version & " is still up-to-date.", 0, valcClientMsg else Print "~ The version " & myver & " is available, you use currently " & version & ". ", 0, valcClientMsg Print "[Start update]", 0, valcLink, 1,"", 8 End if closeconn ConnID isOut=1 End if End if End Sub
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