Durch das Script werden Farbige Texte in Channels mit der ausgewählten Standardfarbe angezeigt.
#NewScriptBegin ColorRemove Sub Chan_Msg(Text, Nick, Channel, FrameID, ConnID) i=1 wri=0 do if asc(mid(Text, i, 1))=3 or asc(mid(Text, i, 1))=3 Then if (len(Text)-i)<5 Then Text= Text + String(5, " ") End if Text=left(Text, (i-1)) & remcoldigs(right(left(Text, (i+5)),5)) & right(Text,(len(Text)-i-5)) i=i-1 wri=1 SkipEvent End if i=i+1 loop until i>=len(Text) if wri = 1 Then if Instr(1, Text, GetVal(ConnID, 5))>0 Then SetLineIcon FrameID, 0 SetFrameIcon FrameID, 3 SetTrayIcon 4 End if SetFrameIcon FrameID, 2 if Instr(1, left(Text, 7), Chr(1) & "ACTION")=1 Then print "* " & Nick , FrameID , valcText print Right(Text, len(Text)-7) , FrameID , valcText, 1 else print "<" & Nick & ">" , FrameID , valcSender print Text , FrameID , valcText, 1 End if End if End Sub Sub remcoldigs(Text) if (asc(Text)<58 and asc(Text)>47) Then Text=right(Text, (len(Text)-1)) End if if (asc(Text)<58 and asc(Text)>47) Then Text=right(Text, (len(Text)-1)) End if if left(Text, 1) = "," Then if (asc(mid(Text, 2, 1))<58 and asc(mid(Text, 2, 1))>47) Then Text=right(Text, (len(Text)-2)) if (asc(left(Text, 1) )<58 and asc(left(Text, 1))>47) Then Text=right(Text, (len(Text)-1)) End if End if End if remcoldigs=Text End Sub
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